Saturday, November 12, 2011

Week 45


Food Storage:  Non-fat Dry Milk 8 1/2 lbs.

Extra Item:  1 lb. of Yeast, Baking Powder and Baking Soda

Remember to get your milk on the next Cannery visit!  The next scheduled time for the Kanarra Ward is Thursday, December 8 at 5:00 pm.

Non-fat Dry Milk - #10 Can (4.1 lbs.) @ $8.60 ***Favorite Find!***

Family Preparation:  Teach your family, stop-drop and roll, as well as other safety guidelines.

Spiritual Preparation:  Read Alma 37:35.  Strive to teach your children to keep the commandments of God.

Food For Thought:

We got an e-mail this week from Susan Grimm that has some interesting information that we thought we should share with you.  Here is her e-mail with the enclosed link:

Hi Patti, I thought I'd share with you this website. I have been making my own laundry soap for about a year now and I love it and it's so cheap! It works great with HE machines because it's low sudsing. Soap is easier on your skin as well. My favorite is recipe #1 in this site but I cut it in half. The only pain of it if you will is that at least for my HE machine, I dilute it in hot water shaking it up to get it to dissolve (it's a thick gel) before I put it into my machine since it doesn't agitate to break it up. My daughter uses it in her machine that agitates with no complaints. You can get all the ingredients at Linn's, although Walmart has Borax for much less. I use the FelsNaptha soap rather than the other kinds it tells you can use. You can't believe how cheap this is to make. I only use  1-2 Tablespoons a load with my soft water. You use more with hard water. Call me if you have any questions.

From my own experience, I had read in Dr. Hulda Clark's books some years ago about using 20 Mule Team Borax Powder as a less-toxic alternative for many cleaning items around the house including dish washing detergent, laundry soap and shampoo.  I personally tried it all by itself in my dishwasher (1 Tbsp or less) and for my laundry (1/2 cup for a full load) and found that it worked just great!  Here are a couple more links with more information:

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