Thursday, March 31, 2011

Week 13


Food Storage: 8 Cans of Fruit

Extra Item: 8 Rolls of Toilet Paper

Some Local Bargains:

Various 15 oz. Cans of Fruit @ $0.88 (5.3 cents/oz.)
Western Family Purple Plums - 29 oz. @ $1.79 (6.2 cents/oz.)
Western Family Toilet Paper - 36 Rolls @ $6.99

Dollar Tree
Various 20 oz. Canned Fruit @ $1.00 (5 cents/oz.)

Kroger Pear Pieces - 29 oz. @ $1.38 (4.8 cents/oz.)
Kroger Fruit Mix - 29 oz. @ $1.38 (4.8 cents/oz.)
Kroger Applesauce - 48 oz. @ $1.85 (3.8 cents/oz.)
Home Sense Toilet Paper - 24 Double Rolls @ $9.99

Family Dollar
Classico Peach Halves - 29 oz. @ $1.35 (4.7 cents/oz.)
Family Pantry Pear Halves - 29 oz. @ $1.35 (4.7 cents/oz.)
Angel Soft Toilet Paper - 12 Double Rolls @ $5.00

Big Lots
Quilted Northern Toilet Paper - 12 Double Rolls @ $5.70
Del Monte Peach Chunks - 15 oz. @ $1.00 (6.7 cents/oz.)
Libby's Tropical Fruit Mix - 15 oz. @ $1.00 (6.7 cents/oz.)
Mrs Brown's Fruit Cocktail - 15.25 oz. @ $0.80 (5.2 cents/oz.)
Musselman's Unsweetened Applesauce - 62 oz. @ $2.80 (4.5 cents/oz.) ***Favorite Find***

Real Soft Toilet Paper - 12 Double Rolls @ $3.99 (with Coupon - coupons are in the front of the store)

Wal Mart
Great Values Peaches - 29 oz. @ $1.68 (5.8 cents/oz.)
Great Values Pears or Fruit Cocktail - 29 oz. @ $1.68 (5.8 cents/oz.)
Various Great Values Canned Fruit - 15 oz. @ $0.98 (6.5 cents/oz.)
Great Values Applesauce - 46 oz. @ $1.68 (3.7 cents/oz.) ***Best Value***
White Cloud Toilet Paper - 24 Double Rolls @ $10.98
Quilted Northern Toilet Paper - 24 Double Rolls @ $12.94
Angel Soft Toilet Paper - 36 Double Rolls @ $16.58
Generic Toilet Paper - 6 Regular Rolls @ $0.97 ***Best Value***

72 Hour Kit: Disposable emergency blanket, disposable hand warmers, small radio, ear plugs, safety glasses, electrical tape, flashlight with batteries, needle and thread, couple of garbage bags, extra set of keys - place in zip lock bag.

Family Preparation: Secure important documents from fire, flood, etc. using a fireproof and watertight safe. Another option is to scan items onto a disc and keep it in a safe place away from home. Maybe a relative or a friend's home.

Spiritual Preparation: Read D&C 1:38. Strive to implement one of the priciples you heard in General Conference throughout this week.

Food For Thought:

Here is the third of our five-part series on Family Disaster Preparedness:

"Preparedness Storage"
Begin thinking about 72 hours, then a month, then 6 months, and then a year.

President Spencer W. Kimball gave us this counsel regarding home storage: "We reaffirm the previous counsel the Church has always given, to acquire and maintain a year's supply - a year's supply of the basic commodities for us." "We encourage families to have on hand this year's supply; and we say it over and over and over and repeat over and over the scripture of the Lord where He says, 'Why call me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?'"

Prepare and pack your family's 72 hour emergency kit.

Emergency 72 Hour Kit

These are some suggested items:

  • Water - one gallon per person per day

  • Non-perishable packaged or canned food, preferably not items that need to be cooked.

  • Hard candy

  • A non-electric can opener

  • A change of clothing, rain gear, and sturdy shoes

  • Blankets or sleeping bag

  • First-Aid Kit and prescription medication

  • An extra pair of glasses

  • Battery-powered radio, flashlight, and plenty of fresh batteries

  • Credit cards, cash and gas

  • An extra set of car keys

  • An emergency family plan index card

  • Sanitary items, sanitary disposal container

  • Scriptures

  • Games, paper, pencil

  • Special items for infants, elderly, disabled (if this applies to your family)


a) Have every family member put together what they feel they need to have for 72 hours. Once they have done this, then discuss each item and determine if it is really necessary.

b) Have each family member list on paper what they think the whole family will need to store for a month. Have them guess costs and then discuss the totals they ahve come up with.

c) Get a family Yearly Food Storage quantity plan from your Ward Preparedness Leader. Once you have a food storage plan, discuss it with your family.

d) Decide the extra items your family wants and needs to make the storage complete.

Create a plan that will allow your family to attain your 72 hour kits, your one month kits, your 6 month kits and your years supply. Decide what you will need to do to accomplish this plan and then put into action your plan.

Next Week: "Where and How to Store My Storage"

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