Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Week 12


Food Storage: 30 lbs. of Wheat

Extra Item: 11 lbs. of Macaroni or Spaghetti


Our next Cannery date is Thursday, April 14th at 5:00 pm.Here are the Cannery prices for this week's items:

Wheat (White) - #10 can @ 5.8 lbs. - $2.80
Wheat (Hard Red) - #10 can @ 5.8 lbs. - $2.80
Macaroni - #10 can @ 3.4 lbs. - $3.85
Spaghetti - #10 can @ 4.3 lbs. - $4.50

See Week 6 for the current complete Cannery price sheet.

72 Hour Kit: NON PRESCRIPTION DRUGS - Place in a zip lock bag, Children's acetaminophen, vitamins, laxatives, aloe vera, headache medicine, bug repellent, anti diarrhea, cough drops, others.

Family Preparation: This next week, vacuum out smoke detectors, change their batteries and test them. Do the test when everyone is home so all can be reminded what they sound like and then talk about what to do when they sound for real. Review your plan.

Spiritual Preparation: Consider this method for finding personal answers to your questions and individual help for your challenges during General Conference. You will be amazed at how much you can hear when you're really listening.

1. Write a list of questions, concerns or problems you want and need spiritual direction on. Be specific and list anything that is important to you.

2. Pray every morning and night about the items on your list.

3. Arrange your schedule so you can watch, listen or read the sessions of conference without being distracted.

4. Listen for the answers. Be open to the prompting of the spirit.

Food For Thought:

Here is the second of our five-part series on Family Disaster Preparedness:

"Family Members Responsibility"

***This lesson should be reviewed every 6 months***

Discuss the abilities and level of support/capabilities of each family member. Decide what each person will be responsible for and list them on the Family Plan. Ideas include but no limited to: older children being assigned to care for a younger child, someone to shut off gas/water/electricity, contact out of state person to report on family status, report to home teacher, etc.

What if a disaster happens and everything is destroyed or made unusable?

  • Having supplies in more than one place is very important. You may plan to store a second 72 hour kit with your out of town contact, or a friend in another location if possible. The out of town contact would need to be within a short distance from you in order to make it accessible.

  • Storing in water tight sealed containers is a good plan. However cost can be an issue.

Prepare for Disaster

You can create a Family Disaster Plan and practice it so that everyone will remember what to do when a disaster does occur.

  • Contact your local emergency management or civil defense office, or your local Red Cross Chapter.

  • Everyone in the household including children should play a part in the family's response and recovery efforts.

  • Teach your children how to recognize danger signals. Make sure your child knows what smoke detectors, fire alarms and local community warning systems (home, sirens) sound like.

  • Explain how to call for help. Teach your child how and when to call for help. Check the telephone directory for local emergency phone numbers and post these phone numbers by all telephones. If you live in a 9-1-1 service area, tell your child to call 9-1-1. Even very young children can be taught how and when to call for emergency assistance.

  • Help your child memorize important family information. Children should memorize their family name, address and phone number. They should also know where to meet in case of an emergency. Some children may not be old enough to memorize the information. They could carry a small index card that lists emergency information to give to an adult or babysitter. If the child is not old enough to carry this information, teaching children where this information is found in your home can be the first line of help for a small child. Picture emergency cards are very good to help small children.

Coping Emotionally

When the headlined tragedy is over, the real struggle begins. Uncertainty about bills and repairs and safety can cause emotional problems, as can the stress of cleanup. People waiting in lines for food and supplies can become irritable and angry. Having your own storage can be a calming reality.

Most families, neighborhoods, and wards find that disasters bring them closer together instead of pulling them apart. You can find great comfort and strength from being together and working out the problems. And little by little, you learn how to cope emotionally with the reality of your circumstances.

The first thing to see to - is everyone safe? You can count your many blessings when each member is accounted for and that no one has received any major injuries.

Of course some aren't lucky enough to find everyone all right. At such times it's important to support them with love and encouragement and to allow them a chance to grieve. Temple promises and covenants provide the greatest sense of comfort during these traumatic moments.

The most important item in a year's supply, says President Marion G. Romney, is "spiritual righteousness." Church members are encouraged to build "spiritual strength to meet life's challenges with confidence and stability by learning to love God and communicate with Him in personal prayer. Social-emotional and spiritual strength is increased by living the principles of the gospel." When disaster strikes, the first response is to pray. Be grateful for your knowledge of Heavenly Father and for the fact that prayer is not strange to you.

Teaching Children About Disaster: "This direction is good for all ages"

Disasters may strike quickly and without warning. These events can be frightening for adults, but they are traumatic for children if they don't know what to do. During a disaster, your family may have to leave your home and daily routine. Children may become anxious, confused, or frightened. It is important to give children guidance that will help them reduce their fears.

Children and Their Response to Disaster

Children depend on daily routines: They wake up, eat breakfast, go to school, and play with friends. When emergencies or disasters interrupt this routine, children may become anxious.

In any disaster, they'll look to you and other adults for help. How you react to an emergency gives them clues on how to act. If you react with alarm, a child may become more scared. They see our fear as proof that the danger is real. If you seem overcome with a sense of loss, a child may feel their losses more strongly.

Children's fear also may stem from their imagination, and you should take these feelings seriously. A child who feels afraid is afraid. Your words and actions can provide reassurance. When talking with your child, be sure to present a realistic picture that is both honest and manageable.

Feelings of fear are healthy and natural for adults and children. But as an adult, you need to keep control of the situation. When you're sure that danger has passed, concentrate on your child's emotional needs by asking the child what's uppermost in his or her mind. Having children participate in the family's recovery activities will help them feel that their life will return to 'normal.' Your response during this time may have a lasting impact.

Be aware that after a disaster, children are most afraid that -

  • The event will happen again

  • Someone will be injured or killed

  • They will be separated from the family

  • They will be left alone

After the Disaster: Time for Recovery

Immediately after the disaster, try to reduce your child's fear and anxiety.

  • Keep the family together. While you look for housing and assistance, you may want to leave your children with relatives or friends. Instead, keep the family together as much as possible and make children a part of what you are doing to get the family back on its feet. Children get anxious, and they'll worry that their parents won't return.

  • Calmly and firmly explain the situation. As best as you can, tell children what you know about the disaster. Explain what will happen next. For example, say "Tonight, we will all stay together in the shelter." Get down to the child's eye level and talk to him or her.

  • Encourage children to talk. Let children talk about the disaster and ask questions as much as they want. Encourage children to describe what they're feeling. Listen to what they say. If possible, include the entire family in the discussion.

  • Include children in recovery activities. Give children chores that are their responsibility. This will help children feel they are part of the recovery. Having a task will help them understand that everything will be all right.

  • You can help children cope by understanding what causes their anxieties and fears. Reassure them with firmness and love. Your children will realize that life will eventually return to normal. If a child does not respond to the above suggestions, seek help from a mental health specialist or a member of the clergy.

Next week: "Preparedness Storage"

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