Saturday, October 22, 2011

Week 42


Food Storage:  30 Lbs. of Wheat or Flour

Extra Item:  10-20 Boxes of Macaroni and Cheese

Here are the new Cannery prices for the above items:

Wheat, Hard Red - #10 Can (5.8 lbs.) @ $3.50
Wheat, White - #10 Can (5.8 lbs.) @ $3.50
Macaroni - #10 Can (3.4 lbs.) @ $4.30

Family Preparation:  To prevent fires, clean out storage areas.  Do not let trash, such as newspaper and magazines accumulate.

Spiritual Preparation:  Read "Come to the Temple" by President Boyd K. Packer, Ensign, October 2007.  Plan to regularly attend the temple.

Food For Thought:

When we were in Saint George this week, we discovered another Health Food store that some of you may already know about but we were unaware of.  It is called "The Vitamin Cottage" and it is at 624 W. Telegraph in Washington, just north of Saint George (across the main street from Wal Mart).  The phone number is (435) 980-1100.  It's been there for about 2 1/2 years and if you haven't ever shopped there we suggest you drop in when you're in the area.

It is somewhat similar to our own little Sunshine Nutrition here in Cedar City, but quite a bit larger and with a great selection.  They also have a very nice fresh organic fruit and vegetable section, holistic makeup and skin care products.  They have an entire refrigerated section just for a wonderful array of nuts to keep the oils in them fresh (a lot of commercial nuts are rancid from sitting out on shelves at room temperature).

If you do visit, I challenge you to walk out without buying at least a bag of their wonderful dehydrated mangoes or bananas (I bought both!).  With this food for thought in mind, I would like to give you a recipe for one of my favorite treats, but if you're going to make it you need a good blender or you can use a juicer without the screen or possibly a food processor (although I haven't tried that):

Banana Ice Cream


Frozen Organic Bananas (peel bananas, chop into chunks, put into sandwich bags, throw into the freezer and freeze until firm - at least overnight - I prefer organic, they just taste better)

Unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses

Brazil Nuts (fresh, good quality, chopped into small chunks)
An alternate could be shredded coconut (also fresh and good quality) or if you can't eat or don't like either, raisins are also good.

So all you do is blend up your bananas into a frozen cream with just enough water to process it without it being too watery and putting in an ice cube or two helps it to be really cold like ice cream.  Then scoop out, put in a bowl with a tablespoon or two of molasses and sprinkle with the nuts or your favorite topping and enjoy!

This is a good substitute for folks who are lactose intolerant and can't eat regular ice cream.

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