Saturday, October 29, 2011

Week 43


Food Storage:  8 Cans of Meat

Extra Item:  8 Rolls of Toilet Paper

Some Local Bargains:

Starkist Tuna - 5 oz. @ $0.89 (17.9 cents/oz.)
Geisha Tuna - 5 oz. @ $0.79 (15.8 cents/oz.)
Natural Directions All Natural Skinless Boneless Pink Salmon - 5 oz. @ $1.89 (37.8 cents/oz.)
Libby's Vienna Sausage - 5 oz. @ $0.79 (15.8 cents/oz.)
Western Family Chicken Breast - 10 oz. @ $2.50 (25.0 cents/oz.)
ShurSaving Toilet Paper - 4 Regular Rolls @ $0.93
ShurSaving Toilet Paper - 12 Double Rolls @ $5.29

Dollar Tree
Armour Vienna Sausage - 5 oz. @ $0.50 (10.0 cents/oz.)
Van Camps Sardines - 3.75 oz. @ $0.79 (21.1 cents/oz.)
Sofitelle Toilet Paper - 4 Regular Rolls @ $1.00

Kroger Tuna - 5 oz. @ $0.69 (13.8 cents/oz.)
Kroger Vienna Sausage - 5 oz. @ $0.44 (8.8 cents/oz.)
Kroger 100% Natural Chicken Breast - 12.5 oz. @ $2.99 (23.9 cents/oz.) ***Favorite Find***
Kroger Value Toilet Paper - 4 Regular Rolls @ $0.88

Wal Mart
Polar Sardines - 5.5 oz. @ $0.58 (10.5 cents/oz.)
Bumblebee Tuna - 5 oz. @ $0.64 (12.8 cents/oz.)
Starkist Tuna - 5 oz. @ $0.64 (12.8 cents/oz.)
Great Value Vienna Sausage - 5 oz. @ $0.43 (8.6 cents/oz.) ***Best Value***

Family Preparation:  Insulate chimneys and place spark arrestors on the top.  The chimney should be at least 3 feet higher than the roof.  Remove branches hanging above and around the chimney.

Spiritual Preparation:  Read Mosiah 4:6-12.  Trust in the Lord and turn to Him for help.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Week 42


Food Storage:  30 Lbs. of Wheat or Flour

Extra Item:  10-20 Boxes of Macaroni and Cheese

Here are the new Cannery prices for the above items:

Wheat, Hard Red - #10 Can (5.8 lbs.) @ $3.50
Wheat, White - #10 Can (5.8 lbs.) @ $3.50
Macaroni - #10 Can (3.4 lbs.) @ $4.30

Family Preparation:  To prevent fires, clean out storage areas.  Do not let trash, such as newspaper and magazines accumulate.

Spiritual Preparation:  Read "Come to the Temple" by President Boyd K. Packer, Ensign, October 2007.  Plan to regularly attend the temple.

Food For Thought:

When we were in Saint George this week, we discovered another Health Food store that some of you may already know about but we were unaware of.  It is called "The Vitamin Cottage" and it is at 624 W. Telegraph in Washington, just north of Saint George (across the main street from Wal Mart).  The phone number is (435) 980-1100.  It's been there for about 2 1/2 years and if you haven't ever shopped there we suggest you drop in when you're in the area.

It is somewhat similar to our own little Sunshine Nutrition here in Cedar City, but quite a bit larger and with a great selection.  They also have a very nice fresh organic fruit and vegetable section, holistic makeup and skin care products.  They have an entire refrigerated section just for a wonderful array of nuts to keep the oils in them fresh (a lot of commercial nuts are rancid from sitting out on shelves at room temperature).

If you do visit, I challenge you to walk out without buying at least a bag of their wonderful dehydrated mangoes or bananas (I bought both!).  With this food for thought in mind, I would like to give you a recipe for one of my favorite treats, but if you're going to make it you need a good blender or you can use a juicer without the screen or possibly a food processor (although I haven't tried that):

Banana Ice Cream


Frozen Organic Bananas (peel bananas, chop into chunks, put into sandwich bags, throw into the freezer and freeze until firm - at least overnight - I prefer organic, they just taste better)

Unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses

Brazil Nuts (fresh, good quality, chopped into small chunks)
An alternate could be shredded coconut (also fresh and good quality) or if you can't eat or don't like either, raisins are also good.

So all you do is blend up your bananas into a frozen cream with just enough water to process it without it being too watery and putting in an ice cube or two helps it to be really cold like ice cream.  Then scoop out, put in a bowl with a tablespoon or two of molasses and sprinkle with the nuts or your favorite topping and enjoy!

This is a good substitute for folks who are lactose intolerant and can't eat regular ice cream.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Week 41


Food Storage:  20 Lbs. of Sugar

Extra Item:  3 Months of Dish Soap

Get your sugar from the Cannery!  Our Ward meets at the Cannery every 2nd Thursday at 5pm - we had a great turnout this week and canned rice, pinto beans, oats and spaghetti!  Also, here is a new price list which replaces the one we gave you earlier this year (click to enlarge):

Some Local Bargains:

Sun Lemon Dish Soap - 25 oz. @ $0.88 (3.5 cents/oz.)
Earth Friendly Lavender Dish Soap - 25 oz. @ $4.35 (17.4 cents/oz.) ***Favorite Find*** (yes, it's more expensive but we like it because it doesn't contain any harsh chemicals or anything harmful to the environment!)

Dollar Tree
Sun Dish Soap - 25 oz. @ $1.00 (4.0 cents/oz.)
Deluxe Dish Soap - 28 oz. @ $1.00 (3.6 cents/oz.)

Kroger Value Dish Soap - 25 oz. @ $0.99 (4.0 cents/oz.)

Family Dollar
Family Dollar Lime Dish Soap - 38 oz. @ $1.50 (3.9 cents/oz.)
SunSations Dish Soap - 25 oz. @ $1.00 (4.0 cents/oz.)

Big Lots
Awesome Ultra Concentrated Dish Soap - 50 oz. @ $1.00 (2.0 cents/oz.) ***Best Value***
Sun Dish Soap - 25 oz. @ $1.00 (4.0 cents/oz.)

Wal Mart
Palmolive Eco Dish Soap - 120 oz. @ $4.98 (4.2 cents/oz.)

Your 72 Hour Kits and Family Gear Box should now be complete.  Go back and review the items and suggestions from earlier postings to make sure you have everything you need.  Don't forget to rotate your food, batteries and other perishable items to keep them fresh!

Family Preparation:  Review your family safety plan.  Plan a fire drill (preferably in the middle of the night) to be sure everyone hears the alarms and knows what to do.

Spiritual Preparation:  Read D&C 38:24-27.  Strive to become united with those in your Ward and community.

Food For Thought:

We would like to thank Sherie Prisbrey this week for making us aware of some great Honeyville Brand items available in boxes, pouches and #10 cans at IFA.  Here is the complete list of what they have for your information:

Honeyville (#10 Cans):

6 Grain Mix - $5.99
9 Grain Cereal - $6.49
Milk Alternative - $11.99
Chocolate Milk Alternative - $11.99
Powdered Whole Eggs - $18.99
Banana Pudding - $10.99
Chocolate Pudding - $11.99
Vanilla Pudding - $10.99
Orange Gelatin - $15.99
Raspberry Gelatin - $15.99
Lime Gelatin - $15.99
Strawberry Gelatin - $15.99
Banana Chips - $7.99
Freeze Dried Strawberries - $16.99
Freeze Dried Apples - $19.99 (compare with cannery dehydrated @ $5.70)
Freeze Dried Peaches - $28.99
Freeze Dried Pineapple - $24.99
Freeze Dried Raspberries - $24.99
Freeze Dried Green Beans - $14.99
Dehydrated Celery - $14.99
Dehydrated Onions - $9.99 (compare with Cannery @ $6.90)
Dehydrated Carrots - $16.99 (compare with Cannery @ $8.30)
Freeze Dried Corn - $15.99
Freeze Dried Peas - $14.99
Potato Shreds - $6.99 (compare with Cannery Potato Flakes @ $3.25)
Garden Seeds in a Can - $49.99

Other Honeyville Products:

Potato Pearls (28 oz. Pouch) - $3.99
Fudge Brownie Mix (4 lb. Sack) - $7.99
Fudge Brownie Mix (19.8 oz. Box) - 2.99
Scone Mix (32 oz. Box) - $3.99
Buttermilk Pancake & Waffle Mix (32 oz. Box) - $2.99
Cinnamon Muffin Mix (17 oz. Box) - $2.99
Almond Poppyseed Muffin Mix (17 oz. Box) - $2.99

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Week 40


Food Storage:  8 Cans of Vegetables

Extra Item:  Multi Vitamins (for 2 people to last 6 months)

Some Local Bargains:

Western Family Wax Beans - 14.5 oz. @ $0.89 (6.1 cents/oz.)
ShurSaving Green Beans - 14.5 oz. @ $0.69 (4.8 cents/oz.)
Western Family Green Beans - 14.5 oz. @ $0.79 (5.4 cents/oz.)
Libby's Sauerkraut - 32 oz. @ $1.99 (6.2 cents/oz.)

Dollar Tree
Libby's Vegetables (variety) - 15 oz. @ $0.79 (5.3 cents/oz.)
Corina Diced Tomatoes - 28 oz. @ $1.00 (3.6 cents/oz.)

Kroger Vegetables (variety) - 15 oz. @ $0.75 to $0.83 (5.0 to 5.5 cents/oz.)
Kroger Asparagus - 14.5 oz. @ $1.39 (9.6 cents/oz.)
Kroger Green Beans - 50 oz. @ $1.89 (3.8 cents/oz.) ***Favorite Find***
Kroger Value Tomatoes - 28 oz. @ $1.24 (4.4 cents/oz.)
Kroger Tomatoes - 14.5 oz. @ $0.73 (5.0 cents/oz.)

Family Dollar
Stokeley's Green Beans - 14.5 oz. @ $0.50 (3.4 cents/oz.)
Bruce's Yams - 29 oz. @ $1.50 (5.2 cents/oz.)
Margaret Holmes Spinach - 27 oz. @ $1.60 (5.9 cents/oz.)

Big Lots
Del Monte Diced Tomatoes - 28 oz. @ $1.00 (3.6 cents/oz.)
Contadina Tomatoes - 28 oz. @ $1.00 (3.6 cents/oz.)
Hunts Tomatoes - 28 oz. @ $1.00 (3.6 cents/oz.)
Del Monte Organic Green Beans - 14.5 oz. @ $0.80 (5.5 cents/oz.)
Bruce's Yams - 15 oz. @ $0.80 (5.3 cents/oz.)

Wal Mart
Great Value Corn - 15.25 oz. @ $0.68 (4.5 cents/oz.)
Great Value Corn - 29 oz. @ $1.16 (4.0 cents/oz.)
Great Value Mustard Greens - 14 oz. @ $0.25 (1.8 cents/oz.) ***Best Value***
Princella Yams - 40 oz. @ $1.84 (4.6 cents/oz.)
Great Value Green Beans or Turnip Greens - 14.5 oz. @ $0.58 (4.0 cents/oz.)

Family Gear Box:  Hard candy, gum and any other special treat your family would like in an emergency.

Family Preparation:  Change the batteries in your smoke detectors and test them.

Spiritual Preparation:  Read Alma 32:28-43.  In your daily lives, strive to have faith in all things that you may reap the rewards of your faith.

Food For Thought:

With pumpkins of every shape and size spilling out of the fronts of the grocery stores this month, wouldn't it nice to have something to do with them besides carve faces on them and stick them on your porch?  Years ago when our kids were little, a friend gave us a fun seasonal recipe called "Dinner in a Pumpkin".  We will give you this recipe and a link to an alternate version and you choose which one you like best (I'm thinking the modern version is sounding really good so be sure to check it out).  It might even become a Halloween tradition in your family!

Dinner in a Pumpkin (contributed by Kathy Webster)

2 lbs. Hamburger
3 Eggs
1 Tbl Oil
1-1/2 Tbl Chopped Onion
1-1/2 tsp Salt
1 tsp Pepper
2 Cloves Garlic
2 tsp Oregano
1 tsp Vinegar
3/4 Cup Raisins
1/2 Cup Chopped Green Olives
1 Green Pepper Chopped
1-15 oz. Can Tomato Sauce

Brown hamburger, onion, green pepper and garlic in oil with the spices.  Add raisins, green olives, vinegar and tomato sauce.  In bowl, beat 3 eggs then add the hamburger mixture to the eggs.  Put the mixture into a small to medium sized pumpkin.  Bake 1 hour at 350 or until the flesh of the pumpkin is soft.  If you want to carve a face into the pumpkin, do it before you fill it, but don't cut all the way through to the inside.  Serve meat over macaroni or rice.

Dinner in a Pumpkin (popular internet version)

While we have the holidays on our minds, here is a fun Punch recipe that would be great at any of this season's parties:

As we mentioned on week 38, Sister Julie White has a year or more supply of wheat that she is looking to trade with someone for an equivalent amount of canned 30-year-shelf-life rice (either from the Cannery or someone like Provident Pantry).  However, we had an incorrect phone number.  So if you are interested and trying to contact her, the correct phone number is (435) 865-1520.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Week 39


Food Storage:  8 Cans of Fruit

Extra Item:  8 Rolls of Toilet Paper

Some Local Bargains:

Western Family Assorted Canned Fruit - 15.25 oz. @ $1.29 (8.5 cents/oz.)
Western Family Applesauce - 48 oz. @ $2.99 (6.2 cents/oz.)
Western Family Applesauce - 15.5 oz. @ $1.09 (7.0 cents/oz.)
ShurSaving Toilet Paper - 4 Regular Rolls @ $0.95

Dollar Tree
Assorted Canned Fruit (different brands) - 15 oz. @ $1.00 (6.7 cents/oz.)
Anne Elise Pineapple Slices - 20 oz. @ $1.00 (5.0 cents/oz.)
Sofitelle Toilet Paper - 4 Regular Rolls @ $1.00

Kroger Pineapple - 20 oz. @ $1.04 (5.2 cents/oz.)
Kroger Assorted Fruit - 15 oz. @ $1.05 (7.0 cents/oz.)
Kroger Applesauce - 48 oz. @ $1.85 (3.9 cents/oz.)
Angelsoft Toilet Paper - 4 Regular Rolls @ $1.42
Homesense Toilet Paper - 6 Double Rolls @ $2.59

Family Dollar
Family Pantry Peaches - 29 oz. @ $1.50 (5.2 cents/oz.)
Libby's Pineapple - 20 oz. @ $1.35 (6.8 cents/oz.)
Dole Pineapple - 20 oz. @ $1.40 (7.0 cents/oz.)
Lady Liberty Mandarin Oranges - 11 oz. @ $0.65 (5.9 cents/oz.)
Family Dollar Toilet Paper - 24 Big Rolls @ $7.50

Big Lots
Assorted Canned Fruit (different brands) - 15 oz. @ $0.80 (5.3 cents/oz.)
Limited Harvest Thompson Grapes - 15 oz. @ $1.35 (9.0 cents/oz.) ***Favorite Find***
Applesnax Applesauce - 25 oz. @ $1.25 (5.0 cents/oz.)
Big Lots - 12 Double Rolls @ $5.00

Wal Mart
Great Values Assorted Canned Fruit - 15 oz. @ $1.00 (6.7 cents/oz.)
Great Values Peaches or Pears - 29 oz. @ $1.68 (5.8 cents/oz.)
Great Values Applesauce - 48 oz. @ $1.68 (3.5 cents/oz.) ***Best Value***
Generic Toilet Paper - 6 Regular Rolls @ $0.97

Family Gear Box:  Pet supplies, such as food, leash, extra set of ID tags, and one gallon water for each pet.

Family Preparation:  Fill out emergency information and resource sheets and place next to all telephones.

Spiritual Preparation:  Read D&C 1:38.  Prepare yourself and your family for General Conference.  The October 2007 Ensign has many ideas to help with this.

Food For Thought:

This week we'd like to highlight a great deal that we discovered at Lin's Supermarket.  On the end of an aisle right behind the checkstands you can find two different brands of Bottled Emergency Kits.  These are 32 oz. water bottles packed with such things as:

Emergency Blanket & Poncho
LED Flashlight w/batteries
Hand/Body Warmer
Strike Anywhere Matches

The regular price is $14.89 but they are on sale right now for $6.99 (over half off!)

Right around the corner next to those you can find complete personal boxed 72 hour kits for $44.99.  They also have Winter Emergency Roadside Kits for $27.99 and Hundred-Hour Candles for 2/$7.00 (reg. $4.79 ea.)

With the holidays coming around the corner, any of these items would make great gifts!