Saturday, September 17, 2011

Week 37


Food Storage:  Fruit Drink (to make 30 quarts)

Extra Item:  Shampoo, Soap, Toothbrush, Toothpaste (to last 6 months)

Get your fruit drink mix at the Cannery!  It's fun and economical.  As an alternative, the Cannery also offers hot cocoa which is comparable in quality to the higher-priced leading brands.  The Kanarra Ward meets at the Cannery on the second Thursday of the month at 5:00 pm.  Our next scheduled date is Thursday, October 13th. 

Fruit Drink Mix - #10 Can (6.1 lbs.) @ $7.80 (8 cents/oz.)
Hot Cocoa Mix - #10 Can (5.8 lbs.) @ $8.80 (9.5 cents/oz.)

Family Gearbox:  Add some white and brown sugar or some honey to make your food more tasty.

Family Preparation:  Review your insurance coverage with your insurance agent to be sure you are covered for whatever disasters may occur in your area.

Spiritual Preparation:  Read Alma 34:17-28,39.  Strive to pray more diligently so you may be led and directed in your life and that you may be able to be filled with the spirit more frequently.

Food For Thought:

My sister once told me that in an effort to pray more diligently and see more clearly the effectiveness of prayer in your life that she began to keep what she called a "prayer journal".  She wrote down the things that she was praying about and then reported back as she saw those prayers answered.  She said that she began to see more clearly how much Heavenly Father loved her and that He was hearing and answering her prayers.  As we in our Ward Conference recently were encouraged to "think upon the tender mercies of the Lord" as encouraged by Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, we can also use this journal to observe and record those same tender mercies to become more aware of them.

Since our Extra Items this week are "personal care" items, I'd like to include for all you do-it-yourselfers a wonderful item you can make at home.  Years ago when I discovered that I was extremely chemical sensitive and also could not tolerate almost any oil on my skin, I began to research how to make a skin moisturizer out of completely natural and healthful ingredients.  I'd like to share with you my recipe for this healing moisturizer.

  • Na-PCA - Made by Twinlab Co., this is a solution that is synthesized from glutamic acid, a non-essential amino acid, the natural moisturizing factor found in human skin.  The skin contains natural moisturizers, the moste important being Na-PCA.  Old skin contains only about half the amount of Na-PCA as young skin.  The ability of skin to hold moisture is directly related to its Na-PCA content.  It is water, not oil, that keeps skin soft and supple.  Na-PCA pulls water out of the air, moisturizing the skin, improving its appearance and giving it a moist, youthful glow.  This is not a cosmetic coverup; it is a physiological correction of an age-related deficiency state.  It comes in a spray bottle with or without Aloe Vera.  I prefer to buy the straight Na-PCA bottle and add my own Aloe Vera gel separately.

  • Rose Water - Roses contain anti-microbial, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties and are considered an extremely healing cell-rejuvenator.  This water has oil of roses in it but does not cause acne or skin breakouts.  I prefer the Rose Petals brand by Heritage Products.

  • Vegetable Glycerine - A wonderful moisturizer made from vegetables, it has emollient (softening) and lubricating properties.  It is food-grade and similar to honey as a natural preservative that is often used as a base for herbal extracts and tinctures.  It is such an effective moisturizer that it is the principal ingredient used to rejuvenate old leather and saddles (saddle soap and spray are glycerine).

  • Aloe Vera Gel - Made from the Aloe plant, this gel is a natural skin protectant and healer and is often used on sunburns, insect bites, rashes, acne and many other skin ailments.  I highly prefer the Aloe Life Skin Gel brand.  And you know those completely chemical hair gels at the store?  Try using this Aloe Gel instead - it's a wonderful non-toxic alternative and it works great!

  • Jojoba Oil - A natural plant extract, this oil is considered to be the closest to the natural oils already occurring in the skin.  I don't usually add this for myself because of my tendency to break out but do add just a few drops in it for friends who prefer a little bit of oil and don't have a problem with it.
You could use these ingredients in your own preferred amounts but I will give you my recipe:

Take an empty, clean spray bottle (approx. 8 fl. oz. size - I use an empty Na-PCA bottle but you won't have one of those to start with) and fill it one-third full of Na-PCA, then another third full of Rose Water (this isn't rocket science - I just kind of eyeball it approximately each time I pour it in), then your last third will be a combination of Aloe Vera and Glycerine.  This part is more up to your preference (it's approximately 50/50) - just don't add so much Aloe Vera that it's too thick to spray it or so much Glycerine that it makes your skin look too shiny.  Next if you prefer a little bit of oil, add a few drops of Jojoba.  Shake well to mix all ingredients.

Remember this is a moisturizer - I rinse my face with water and then spritz some in my hand and then pat it around my face in the morning before applying makeup and at night after once again rinsing my face with water before bed.  (I once gave a bottle to a friend who sprayed it on her face after applying makeup and washed all her makeup off!)  And yes, if you spritz some in your hand and dab a q-tip in it, it makes a safe and effective eye makeup remover, although I don't wear waterproof mascara so I'm not sure it would work on that.  It is so effective at drawing moisture out of the air that if you buy the straight Na-PCA you can even spray it on a dress or slip and it will completely eliminate any static cling!  It is wonderful on any chronically dry area of your body such as elbows, knees, ankles and cracked heels.

Don't let this list of ingredients intimidate you - they are relatively inexpensive over the long haul and easily obtainable at your local health food store (Sunshine Nutrition in Cedar City) or online.  Sunshine Nutrition has all the ingredients available as well as some yummy frozen yogurt [this is Jim's addition].  It's great to keep these ingredients on hand and they will store for many years and make several batches.

I have loved this recipe for over 25 years, consider it an answer to prayer (like a "tender mercy") and hope that you will also enjoy it and benefit from it!

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