Friday, June 10, 2011

Week 23


Food Storage:  Fruit Drink (to make 30 qts.)

Extra Item:  20 Lbs. of Oats

The Cedar City LDS Cannery is closed for the summer but bulk items are available to pick up by appointment only.  Contact Keith Lasson at (435) 586-3382 or (435) 590-1458.

Some Local Bargains:

Gatorade Powder (8 - 1 oz. pkgs. which make 16 oz. each) - $2.99 (37.3 cents/oz.)
Country Time Lemonade - 19 oz. @ $2.99 (15.7 cents/oz.)
Tang - 20 oz. @ $2.99 (14.5 cents/oz.)
Tang - 72 oz. @ $9.69 (13.5 cents/oz.)
Western Family Oats - 42 oz. @ $3.49 (8.3 cents/oz.)

Kroger Lemonade - 30 oz. @ $3.49 (11.6 cents/oz.)
Country Time Lemonade - 19 oz. @ $2.00 (10.5 cents/oz.)
Koolaid - 19 oz. @ $2.00 (10.5 cents/oz.)
Kroger Oats - 42 oz. @ $3.99 (9.5 cents/oz.)

Honeyville Rolled Oats (both regular & quick) - 50 Lb. Bag @ $29.99 (3.7 cents/oz.) ***Best Value***

Wal Mart
Great Values Cherry/Grape/Lemonade - 19 oz. @ $1.94 (10.2 cents/oz.) ***Best Value***
Country Time Lemonade - 19 oz. @ $2.50 (13.2 cents/oz.)
Great Values Oats - 42 oz. @ $2.88 (6.9 cents/oz.)

Car Kits:  First Aid Kit and Manual

Family Preparation:  Learn First Aid and CPR.  Enlist in a class if possible.

Spiritual Preparation:  "When you feel weak, discouraged, depressed or afraid, open the Book of Mormon and read.  Do not let too much time pass before reading a verse, a thought or a chapter."  President Boyd K. Packer, Ensign, May 2005

Food For Thought:

Oatmeal makes such a mild and relatively digestible flour that it is used sometimes to roll dried fruit in.  You can find a good sized sack of date pieces rolled in oatmeal flour at Sunshine Nutrition in Cedar City for $1.99.  They make a great healthy snack or are good on cereal or in baked goods.  Here are two fun oatmeal recipes to try:

OATMEAL BREAD (makes 2 loaves)

1/2 cup warm water
2 Tbl active dry yeast
3/4 cup water (boiling)
3/4 cup rolled oats
1 cup buttermilk (or 1/3 cup powdered milk, 1 cup water, 1 Tbl vinegar or lemon juice)
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1/2 cup honey or molasses
2 cups all purpose flour
1 Tbl salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
3 to 3-1/2 cups all purpose flour

In a small bowl, stir yeast into 1/2 cup warm water; allow to stand until yeast dissolves and bubbles up.  In medium saucepan, bring 3/4 cup water to boiling; stir in oatmeal and cook several minutes.  Remove from heat; add buttermilk, oil, and honey or molasses.

Sift flour, salt and soda into large mixing bowl.  Add yeast mixture and oats mixture and beat with wire whip or slotted spoon; let stand 5 minutes.  Gradually add enough of remaining flour until dough is stiff enough for kneading.  Turn out onto floured surface and knead 8-10 minutes or until a soft, elastic ball forms.  Place dough in clean greased bowl, cover with plastic wrap and allow to rise until double in bulk, about 1-1/2 hours.  Punch down dough and divide into two portions; cover with bowl or towel and allow to rest 10 minutes.

Form into loaves and place in greased 8x4 inch pans.  Cover and let rise until double in bulk.  Bake at 350 to 375 degrees for 45 to 50 minutes or until done.  Remove from oven and turn out to cool on wire rack.

DELICIOUS OATMEAL PANCAKES (makes 8-10 pancakes)

1/2 cup whole wheat flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
2 Tbl sugar
1/3 cup nonfat powdered milk
2 eggs, separated
1 cup water
3 Tbl vegetable oil
1 cup rolled oats

In a medium bowl, combine flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, and powdered milk; stir until well blended.  In small bowl, beat egg whites until stiff; set aside.  In large mixing bowl, combine egg yolks, water, oil, and oats; beat slightly and allow to stand 5 minutes, then beat until blended.  Mix in dry ingredients, then fold in beaten egg whites.  For small pancakes, drop 2 Tbl batter onto griddle, or pour 1/4 measuring cup, if larger pancakes are desired.

Bake until cakes are full of bubbles on top and undersides are lightly brown.  Turn with spatula and brown other side.  Serve with applesauce or jam or butter and maple syrup.

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