Monday, January 3, 2011

Week 1


Food Storage: 8 cans of tuna

Lowest prices this week for 5oz can:

Smiths - $.59 (Kroger) They also have Starkist for $.50/can if you buy a case of 48 cans.
Wal-Mart - $.60 (Great Value)
Lin's - $.79 (Chicken of the Sea)

Extra Item: 8 rolls of toilet paper (1 roll per week for 2 months)

72 Hour Kit: Obtain from around the house a backpack per person, or suitcase with wheels for mobility, for elderly.

Family Preparation: Store enough water for 72 hours - 1 gallon a day per person = 3 gallons per person.

Preferred water storage - 2 weeks (14 gallons per person)
Also store purifying agents such as Potable Aqua Tablets, Chlorine, filters, etc.

Spiritual Preparedness: Make a commitment to hold Family Home Evening every Monday night this year.

Food for Thought:

The items in this 52-week program are meant to be set aside so that at the end of the year you will have enough food storage for two or more people for one year. However, most LDS families have some food storage already so January is a good time to take an inventory, organize and check dates to make sure you are using the oldest items first.